Just a quick update on our big day...we are off to pick up the RV this morning (Wednesday) at 10.30am. Travel Land will give us an approx 2 - 3hr guided tour and instructions on how everything works, we have to finish the registration and insurance process and then we can (we hope) head off for our very first night in our new home!
We have identified a campground on Howe Sound at Porteau Cove for our first and probably second nights, not too far from West Vancouver but about an hour drive from Langley where Travel Land is based. We have reserved a site at Whistler for the weekend and then will come back down to Squamish for a few nights weather permitting. The forecast is unfortunately not that good, but we intend to make the most of it.
We bought waterproof Thinsulate boots yesterday (bargain, in the Bay sale) so we can still get out for our walks, up until now we have had lovely weather, yesterday was so warm we walked along Dundarave promenade and I had to take off my jacket and walked in my tee shirt. Each fine day the locals tell us it might be the last one, but so far there has been just one more, really hope our luck is not about to run out.
We have spent the last two days mainly preparing, purchasing and organising for our trip which has been fun most of the time but tiring too, why do they put stickers on everything which are so hard to remove.
Anyway I said this was to be quick so I am off to get my breakfast and get ready for the big day. I will post again when we have connection to let you know how we survived.
HOORAY! Glad to hear you've got everything sorted out and will soon be on your way. 2 to 3 hours to learn how the RV works seems like a long time, does it transform in to a boat/plane?
Hope everything goes well and you both carry on enjoying yourselves!
whey, hey!
We were looking at the RV on the web yesterday, its a monster! Al wants to know when he can drive it!
Hope the weather holds long enough for your trip to be enjoyable, and you get on ok with everything!
Looking forward to hearing about your adventure when you get back!
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